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Radio Flyer Timeline
Heritage Intro
  The Beginning


Radio Flyer in the 40's
In the 1940's, America was at war --- and like many other American manufacturers, Radio Flyer was asked to alter its manufacturing rate. From 1942 to 1945 all wagon production ceased. Radio Flyer focused all of its manufacturing efforts to making five-gallon steel "Blitz Cans" for the war. On July 14, 1945 an Army-Navy "E" award was given to Radio Flyer for high achievement in producing materials needed for the war.



In the factory, production turned to a familiar piece of military equipment, called the "Blitz Can." Blitz Cans (pictured left) were five-gallon, steel containers mounted on the backs of jeeps, trucks, and tanks, designed to transport fuel and water to troops stationed overseas.
At home, Radio Flyer's war efforts sparked a newfound confidence in their line of products. Advertisements began to highlight the classic strength, durability, and the dependability of Radio Flyer wagons, and especially a new bearing for the wheels, called the "Congo Thousand Mile Bearing" — guaranteed for a 1000 miles of smooth, quite riding.